Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Food FYE

My FYE class is about Food and biology. In this class, we read a book called the Omnivore's Dilemma. This book is about how almost everything we eat is either made with corn or has corn somewhere in its production. Also, it talks about the importance of grass to keep food natural. The main point of this book is to explain how the industrialized food market may be the cheapest and most efficient way to produce food, but it is not the best way to get the most nutrition out of your food. Most of the class we sit in groups and talk about what we read in the book the night before, but sometimes we do some sort activity to keep things interesting. We have talked about how to work in groups, talk to our professors, and how to set up our schedules along with the food in biology. This class is an interesting other side compared to what i am used to,. but in the end i am still going to eat the meat that I can afford.

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