Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Biology for Good

After this semester I am still steadfast in my decision to be a biology major. The classes I have taken have simply reinforced my interest in being an orthopedic surgeon. I have always had an interest in biology because I have wanted to be a doctor since I was a kid. This semester has done nothing to deter me from wanting to succeed in the medical field. If I ever do change my major, I won’t have to worry about taking any science classes in the future. This semester I have taken many hard classes such as Chemistry, Calculus, and Biology, but Every time I go to class it entices me to want to learn more about the subject at hand. The only thing I would change would be the fact that I had to take calculus. It is not my strongest subject and is the hardest class I have taken yet. But overall, I started a biology major, and that’s exactly how I intend to stay.

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