Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Getting help to Help Myself

Out of all the outcomes, I have the most difficulty with developing flexible strategies for revising and proof-reading. This may be the simplest part of writing for others in the class, but to me it is something that I do not think of doing enough. I always proof-read my papers but I do not have any creative ways to help catch my simple mistakes. When I read my paper over again I do not catch the mistakes because I change it around in my mind to make it seem right. A good way for me to fix this is to probably read it backwards. If I do this I would be able to catch more typos and be able to turn in a better revised paper. I can also get a colleague to help me check for errors throughout my papers, but I cannot always depend on other people. I need to learn how to find my own mistakes so that I do not have to get others to read my papers constantly.

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